Ukrainian hacker jailed for selling account credentials on the dark web.

According to the DoJ, A Botnet operator had thousands of hacked credentials with the listing. A Ukrainian hacker has been sentenced to four years in prison for selling stolen credentials online.

On Thursday (May 12), the US Department of Justice (DoJ) sentenced Glib Oleksander Ivanov-Tolpintsev of Chernivtsi, Ukraine, to federal prison for operating a botnet designed for brute-force attack servers.

Ukrainian hacker jailed for selling account credentials on Dark Web

Botnets are slave networks created with compromised computers and other devices. Operators can direct these networks to slam online services with traffic called so-called Daniel-Off-Service (DDoS) attacks.

Furthermore, botnets may be instructed to try to crack the credentials by applying trial-and-error username and password combinations automatically. According to the DoJ filing, Ivanov-Tolpintsev’s botnet was used to “simultaneously decrypt multiple computer login credentials”. At the maximum level, about 2,000 machines per week were targeted and compromised.

From 2017 to 2019, the cyber-attacker operated a store on the dark web and sold thousands of hacked clues. Businesses in Florida have at least 100 servers listed by 28-year-olds. The scheme was profitable – at least until he was caught – and prosecutors estimated that the Dark Web Store had become at least $ 82,648.

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